25 Funny, Weird, And Stupid Things Americans Have Said To Canadians (2024)

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As a Canadian, can I just say it? At times, it feels like we're sort of a laughing stock to Americans. I'm not sure exactly where they've gotten their info about Canada, but we're deeeefinitely not taken seriously enough in their eyes. And because of this, when we introduce ourselves to Americans, a lot of the time we get some VERY interesting replies. Sometimes they even cross the line into offensive territory. As it turns out, I'm not the only Canadian who feels this way. Tons of Canadians on Reddit have been sharing their funny interactions with Americans. So because I'm here to educate, here are some of the funniest stories: 1. "Some Americans tried to get me to register to vote. And I said, 'I can't vote, I'm Canadian." And they said, 'Well, Canadians can vote.' And I said, 'Not in the United States.' And they were, like, agog." 2. "While working in Massachusetts, a coworker told me his wife was from Canada. I asked which province and he didn’t know. She was just 'from Canada.'" 3. "I once had a conversation with a woman on the tech support line who could not believe that Canadians had to work on the 4th of July." 4. "Went to a magic shop in Vegas. I wanted to buy my kids some cool magic tricks and the guy behind the counter said he knew a cool one that would be easy for them to learn, and that he'd demonstrate it a few times for me before I bought it. He asked, 'Okay, first I'm going to need a coin; hand me 4 loonies.' I smirked and said, 'Now why would you think I have loonies on me?' He said that I had an accent like the guys on Trailer Park Boys." 5. "Older woman down south: 'Do you have hockey in Canada?'" 6. "I worked for a big global company and the Canadian employees kept getting invited to meetings in the middle of the night because the admins at head office thought we were part of Europe." 7. "My father tried to rent a U-Haul trailer to drive from Pennsylvania to Nova Scotia. They would not rent it to him because they did not believe you could drive there." 8. "I was on a trip through Montana. At a hotel, I was asked where we were from; we said Canada, and with a serious face, the lady behind the desk says, 'Is it true you only have 1 road up there, and it's covered in ice?'" 9. "My family was transferred to the US for a year while I was in high school. On one of the first days of class, someone said to me, 'Oh, you're from Montreal, do you know [first name of person.] Since I only knew one person with that name, I offered up the last name. The response was, 'Yes, that's the guy, I just spent the summer with him at camp.' So I perpetuated the stereotype." 10. "On vacation in Florida, a woman asked where we were from; we said Canada, and she asked if that was overseas. She didn't believe that we had driven to Florida." 11. "Americans I've spoken to who don't live near the border often don't have any idea where major Canadian cities are in relation to them." 12. "'Is that near Toronto?' I'm 2,685 km from Toronto." 13. "I moved to L.A. when I was 15. At school, one girl asked me when I had moved down there. I told her, 'In the summer.' She then asked 'Oh! Our summer or yours?'" 14. "'Have you ever seen a bear?' 'Yes.' *freaks out and hands me $10*" 15. "I delivered a car to the border in Coutts, Alberta. In June. I met a fellow who had snow machines on a trailer. He stated that he's going to Canada to experience the snow. He was going to go 100 miles north, and was totally sure the ground would be covered with snow." 16. "'You're Canadian? That's ok.'" 17. "I was vacationing in Miami a few years ago and I was approached on the street by a woman trying ask for donations, the kind where you give them your credit card info and then it's a monthly donation. I listened to her spiel and politely declined. She looked at me very closely and asked me if I was Canadian. I said yes, how did you know? She laughed and said I was too polite to be an American." 18. "Sat next to a guy from the US on a plane ride back home. I think he was from the East Coast somewhere and his mind was blown that Calgary was a city of 1.3 million, or whatever it was at the time. He genuinely thought he was going to a remote town or something." 19. "In Florida. I was picking out American cash from the Canadian cash in my wallet to give the cashier, and she said with surprise, 'You're from Canada? But your English is almost perfect.'" 20. "I was in line at a McDonalds and a guy started hitting on me. He was black; I'm black as well. When he asked for my number, I said, 'No, I'm from Canada.' His response was, 'Ohhhh, I didn't know they had black folk up there.'" 21. "On vacation in Florida. We were asked where we were from, said Canada, and the guy then asked how we liked living in a communist country." 22. "Witnessed a car accident in Connecticut about 10 years ago, and stopped to be a witness. One of the drivers was a 17- or 18-year-old that was about to start university. She said something about my accent, and I said I was from Vancouver. Cue puzzled looks. 'Vancouver, Canada... on the West Coast of Canada?' The response: 'Canada has a west coast?'" 23. "I used to work at a museum in Victoria. This one time I had a couple from the States come in and ask very earnestly for directions to Buckingham Palace." 24. "I went to college in a small backwater Idaho town. One of my roommates asked how long it took to sail to the US, because you know, there's an ocean between the US and Canada. Oy vey." 25. And finally: "I was asked if I could speak Canadian. I thought she was joking. She wasn’t." Any other funny stories like these you'd like to share? Tell me in the comments below. And Americans, feel free to defend yourselves in the comments as well. And last thing: be sure to follow BuzzFeed Canada on TikTok and Instagram for more! FAQs References
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CANADA IS, LIKE, HUGE. So no, we definitely don't know your random friend from Vancouver if we live in Toronto.

by Abby ZinmanBuzzFeed Staff

As a Canadian, can I just say it? At times, it feels like we're sort of a laughing stock to Americans. I'm not sure exactly where they've gotten their info about Canada, but we're deeeefinitely not taken seriously enough in their eyes.

NBC / Via giphy.com

Do I even need to convince you after seeing this GIF?

And because of this, when we introduce ourselves to Americans, a lot of the time we get some VERY interesting replies. Sometimes they even cross the line into offensive territory.

Journeyman Pictures / Via giphy.com

As it turns out, I'm not the only Canadian who feels this way. Tons of Canadians on Reddit have been sharing their funny interactions with Americans. So because I'm here to educate, here are some of the funniest stories:

1. "Some Americans tried to get me to register to vote. And I said, 'I can't vote, I'm Canadian." And they said, 'Well, Canadians can vote.' And I said, 'Not in the United States.' And they were, like, agog."


20th Century Fox / Via giphy.com

2. "While working in Massachusetts, a coworker told me his wife was from Canada. I asked which province and he didn’t know. She was just 'from Canada.'"


And speaking of provinces: "'What's a province?' –Every American."


3. "I once had a conversation with a woman on the tech support line who could not believe that Canadians had to work on the 4th of July."


4. "Went to a magic shop in Vegas. I wanted to buy my kids some cool magic tricks and the guy behind the counter said he knew a cool one that would be easy for them to learn, and that he'd demonstrate it a few times for me before I bought it. He asked, 'Okay, first I'm going to need a coin; hand me 4 loonies.' I smirked and said, 'Now why would you think I have loonies on me?' He said that I had an accent like the guys on Trailer Park Boys."


TV Land / Via giphy.com

5. "Older woman down south: 'Do you have hockey in Canada?'"


6. "I worked for a big global company and the Canadian employees kept getting invited to meetings in the middle of the night because the admins at head office thought we were part of Europe."


7. "My father tried to rent a U-Haul trailer to drive from Pennsylvania to Nova Scotia. They would not rent it to him because they did not believe you could drive there."


NBC / Via giphy.com

8. "I was on a trip through Montana. At a hotel, I was asked where we were from; we said Canada, and with a serious face, the lady behind the desk says, 'Is it true you only have 1 road up there, and it's covered in ice?'"


9. "My family was transferred to the US for a year while I was in high school. On one of the first days of class, someone said to me, 'Oh, you're from Montreal, do you know [first name of person.] Since I only knew one person with that name, I offered up the last name. The response was, 'Yes, that's the guy, I just spent the summer with him at camp.' So I perpetuated the stereotype."


10. "On vacation in Florida, a woman asked where we were from; we said Canada, and she asked if that was overseas. She didn't believe that we had driven to Florida."


CBS / Via giphy.com

11. "Americans I've spoken to who don't live near the border often don't have any idea where major Canadian cities are in relation to them."

"For example, when I was in Portland, OR last year, my AirBNB host was surprised I'd driven there from Vancouver, BC. She was shocked to learn it's only a couple hours north of Seattle and that it's only a 5 hour drive total — and that the Amtrak station a block away has direct trains to Vancouver. She thought Vancouver was several days' drive away, like Calgary."


12. "'Is that near Toronto?' I'm 2,685 km from Toronto."


13. "I moved to L.A. when I was 15. At school, one girl asked me when I had moved down there. I told her, 'In the summer.' She then asked 'Oh! Our summer or yours?'"


DreamWorks Pictures / Via giphy.com

14. "'Have you ever seen a bear?' 'Yes.' *freaks out and hands me $10*"

"This literally happened in Providence, RI."


15. "I delivered a car to the border in Coutts, Alberta. In June. I met a fellow who had snow machines on a trailer. He stated that he's going to Canada to experience the snow. He was going to go 100 miles north, and was totally sure the ground would be covered with snow."


16. "'You're Canadian? That's ok.'"


Bravo / Via giphy.com

17. "I was vacationing in Miami a few years ago and I was approached on the street by a woman trying ask for donations, the kind where you give them your credit card info and then it's a monthly donation. I listened to her spiel and politely declined. She looked at me very closely and asked me if I was Canadian. I said yes, how did you know? She laughed and said I was too polite to be an American."


18. "Sat next to a guy from the US on a plane ride back home. I think he was from the East Coast somewhere and his mind was blown that Calgary was a city of 1.3 million, or whatever it was at the time. He genuinely thought he was going to a remote town or something."


19. "In Florida. I was picking out American cash from the Canadian cash in my wallet to give the cashier, and she said with surprise, 'You're from Canada? But your English is almost perfect.'"


NBC / Via giphy.com

20. "I was in line at a McDonalds and a guy started hitting on me. He was black; I'm black as well. When he asked for my number, I said, 'No, I'm from Canada.' His response was, 'Ohhhh, I didn't know they had black folk up there.'"


21. "On vacation in Florida. We were asked where we were from, said Canada, and the guy then asked how we liked living in a communist country."


22. "Witnessed a car accident in Connecticut about 10 years ago, and stopped to be a witness. One of the drivers was a 17- or 18-year-old that was about to start university. She said something about my accent, and I said I was from Vancouver. Cue puzzled looks. 'Vancouver, Canada... on the West Coast of Canada?' The response: 'Canada has a west coast?'"


HBO / Via giphy.com

23. "I used to work at a museum in Victoria. This one time I had a couple from the States come in and ask very earnestly for directions to Buckingham Palace."

"Instead of just telling them they weren't in the UK, I pulled out a map, grabbed a pen, got their undivided attention, and with a serious expression on my face, drew them directions to the airport, where I told them to get on a flight bound for London."


24. "I went to college in a small backwater Idaho town. One of my roommates asked how long it took to sail to the US, because you know, there's an ocean between the US and Canada. Oy vey."


25. And finally: "I was asked if I could speak Canadian. I thought she was joking. She wasn’t."


Apple TV / Via giphy.com

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Any other funny stories like these you'd like to share? Tell me in the comments below. And Americans, feel free to defend yourselves in the comments as well. And last thing: be sure to follow BuzzFeed Canada on TikTok and Instagram for more!

25 Funny, Weird, And Stupid Things Americans Have Said To Canadians (2024)


What words do Canadians and Americans say differently? ›

Canadian Words vs American Words
  • Canadians say “chesterfield” instead of “couch” or “sofa.”
  • Canadians say “runners” instead of “sneakers” or “tennis shoes.”
  • Canadians say “eavestroughs” instead of “rain gutters.”
  • Canadians say “pencil crayon” instead of just “colored pencil.”

What is the attitude of Canadians vs Americans? ›

As a result, it's not uncommon to see Americans focusing more on their own success and careers, even at the expense of their personal lives and relationships. In contrast, Canadian culture emphasizes cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect.

Do Canadians feel more British or American? ›

Its hard to choose who we'd have more of an affinity for. Though almost every Canadian has friends or family in America and we have an extremely close relationship, The UK has also shaped much of our identity as a country. I'd say most Canadian probably feel equally close to both countries.

Do you think Canada is bigger than the United States why why not? ›

The land area of Canada is 3, 855, 103 square miles compared to America's 3, 794, 083, making Canada 1.6% larger that the States. Even though Canada is a larger country, the United States has a population of 307,212,123 people compared to 33,487,208 people in Canada in 2010.

What do Canadians call a bathroom? ›

This room is commonly known as a "bathroom" in American English, a "lavatory" or "loo" in the United Kingdom, a "washroom" in Canadian English, and by many other names across the English-speaking world.

What country loves Canadians the most? ›

He stated: 'Periodic surveys continue to show that Americans like Canadians more than anyone else in the world. Americans can learn so much from Canada, especially in terms of public schools, health care, federalism, livable cities, relatively low violent crime, and other important areas. '

Is it easier to live in Canada or USA? ›

Canada boasts clean and safe cities along with free healthcare and world-class education. It also has beautiful scenery, cultural diversity and friendly citizens. Those leaving the U.S. may miss the consistently warmer weather in the southern U.S., lower taxes and cheaper living expenses.

What do Canadians sound like to Americans? ›

These two accents are quite similar, but there are some subtle differences between them. In general, the Canadian accent is characterized by longer vowel sounds and a softer pronunciation than its American counterpart. There are also a few vocabulary differences in Canadian English.

Is it better to retire in Canada or the USA? ›

American and Canadian governments provide many of the same types of services for people who have reached the age of retirement but Canadian retirees have fewer worries than their American counterparts. They enjoy a more generous retirement system.

Where does 90% of Canada's population live? ›

Canadian Provinces and Territories

Canada is larger than the United States, making it the second-largest country in the world. However, despite this vast territory for a relatively small population, more than 90 percent of Canadians live within 150 miles of the US border.

What are uniquely Canadian words? ›

The Calgary Eyeopener compiled this lengthy list of Canadian-specific words:
  • Chocolate bar — Candy bar.
  • Brown bread — Wheat bread.
  • Toque — A knitted cap Americans call beanies.
  • Runners — Sneaker/tennis shoes/trainers.
  • Robertson screwdriver — Square head.
  • Housecoat — Robe.
  • Keener — Brown noser/suck up.
Mar 31, 2015

How do Canadian accents differ from American words? ›

Canadians tend to place more emphasis on the first syllable of words like “process,” while Americans place more emphasis on the second syllable. Canadians tend to place more emphasis on the second syllable of words like “pasta,” while Americans place more emphasis on the first syllable.

What are Canadian words Americans don't know? ›

"Eh?"Don't you think? Conversational device that allows an unconfrontational canadian to turn a statement into a poll of opinion.
hoserunsophisticated person
keenerboot-licker, brown-noser, suck-up
kerfufflecommotion; flurry of agitation
Molson musclepotbelly (Molson is a Canadian brand of beer)
8 more rows

Why do Americans and Canadians say Z differently? ›

Some argue that Americans sought to distinguish themselves from the British, particularly as they fought for their independence (see American Revolution). Others argue that zee follows the rhyme pattern of the “Alphabet Song” — copyrighted in Boston in 1835 — making the song, and the alphabet, easier to learn.


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