Illinois Report Card (2024)

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Mr. Christopher Rutledge

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Ms. Janice Pavelonis




(618) 457-2174

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This list shows awards won by the school's faculty and staff.Learn More

Schools are often recognized for the accomplishments of their students and faculty by external organizations, partners, companies, and foundations. Examples include: Teacher of the Year, Librarian of the Year, awards related to school improvement, and grants from foundations, companies, or organizations.

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Illinois Report Card (2024)


Is a 2 good on a report card? ›

A “2” reflects normal progress and is expected in the first two trimesters. A students is expected to progress towards meeting the standards over the course of the year because the standards are end of grade-level expectations. The goal is for all students to be at a level “3” by the end of the school year.

What is a good score on a report card? ›

A -- Excellent progress at the level of instruction indicated 90 – 100%. B -- Above Average progress at the level of instruction indicated 80 – 89%. C -- Average progress at the level of instruction indicated 70 – 79%.

Are report card comments important? ›

Comments on report cards can provide valuable insights into a student's academic behaviour and performance. Identifying recurring themes in the feedback can help highlight consistent strengths and areas needing ongoing support.

What does a 4 mean on a report card? ›

Typically, these types of elementary report cards have a legend describing what each of the numbers mean. That might look like this: 4 Advanced/exceeding the grade-level standard. 3 Proficient/meeting the grade-level standard. 2 Basic/approaching the grade-level standard.

Is a 3 on a report card good? ›

A 2 will mean the student is meeting the expectation of progress to be on track toward meeting that Standard by the end of the year and/or is working within grade level standard (Progressing towards grade level standard) A 3 will mean that they have met the year end Standard (Meets grade level standard)

Is B on a report card good? ›

A+, A, A- indicates excellent performance. B+, B, B- indicates good performance. C+, C, C- indicates satisfactory performance. D+, D, D- indicates less than satisfactory performance.

What is the lowest passing grade for a report card? ›

Numerical and letter grades

Variations on the traditional five-grade system allow for awarding A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D−, and F. In primary and secondary schools, a D is usually the lowest passing grade.

Is 80% a bad grade? ›

In summary, while an 80 is generally considered a good grade, it's essential to evaluate how this grade fits within the context of your school's grading scale, the difficulty of the course, your GPA and class rank, and the selectivity of the colleges you're applying to.

Is 92 a bad grade? ›

A 92 is generally considered a good grade, as it usually falls within the range of an A or A- in the typical grading scale.

Which report card matters the most? ›

Most college admissions committees consider your 11th-grade transcript to be the most important.

What does Q mean on a report card? ›

Marks: There are three columns for grades: Column P – Progress Report; Q – Quarter Grade; FG – Final Grade.

How should parents react to bad report cards? ›

How to deal with a bad report card
  1. Determine whether this is unusual or showing a trend. ...
  2. Calmly, warmly, and non-judgmentally, ask your child to describe their thoughts about the report card. ...
  3. Ask her opinion on what to do next. ...
  4. Remember that the school and her teachers should be part of the team to help her succeed.

Do colleges look at quarter report cards? ›

If you are a senior, college admission officials may never see your quarter grades. But they almost always do see your semester grades because most colleges request a “Mid-Year Report” from the high school guidance counselor.

What does m mean in grading? ›

M- Consistently meets and applies grade-level standard independently. A student earning an “M” demonstrates expected understanding of grade-level standards and requires minimal support.

Is a 2 a good grade? ›

A 2.0 GPA is equivalent to 73-76% or a C letter grade. The national average GPA is 3.0 which means a 2.0 is well below average.

What is a 2 in the grading system? ›

Six-point system

5 – Superior (Honor) 4 – Good. 3 – Satisfactory. 2 – Low Pass, but certifying.

Is a 2 2 good or bad? ›

Is a 2:2 degree good? Yes it is, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise! Completing a university degree is a difficult undertaking and anybody who leaves with a certificate saying they passed should be proud. In recent years, the number of students getting 2:2s has dropped, while the number getting firsts has risen.

What percent is a 2 in grades? ›

Calculating Your GPA
PercentageLetter GradeGrade Points
77 – 79.9 PercentC+2.3
74 – 76.9 PercentC2.0
70 – 73.9 PercentC-1.7
67 – 69.9 PercentD+1.3
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.